
DENNISON SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS LIMITED. as an employer of labour accept a statutory and moral obligation to provide operational protection, safe and healthy working conditions and adequate safety training programs in order to safeguard personnel, equipment, Materials and environment. The obligation shall not be hampered by cost considerations.

Management, supervisors and all employees are committed to the prevention of accident or injuries, loss or damage to equipment or environment within their spheres of influence. To be conversant with rules, laws, regulations and standards as set forth by the company and regulatory agencies, all supervisory cadres shall be appropriately trained.

The safety training of subordinate staff is the duty of the supervisor while management shall give the necessary back up for effective leverage. All supervisory cadres shall be responsible for monitoring the safety behaviors of their subordinate while the entire personnel will be evaluated on their performance in accident prevention, health and safety promotion as well as environment protection.

Physical infrastructures necessary for employment\personnel protection shall be provided for use as required.

DENNISON SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS LIMITED places paramount important on industrial harmony and good working relationship with the host communities wherever we operate. As a corporate body, we have therefore evolved policies toward the affairs of the communities in which work as follows:

1. Maintain good relationship with Host community in which we work at all times

2. Participate to the best of our ability in their developmental programs

3. Respect their culture and tradition by obeying and paying attention to their laws and customs

4. Evolve and maintain a line of communication with the host community or government even during periods of crisis by using the option of dialogue

5. Carry out our operations in such a manner that minimizes trace of waste products in any work site and also by our operations or products

6. Generally carry out operations in such a way as to positively contribute to the progress and development of the community.

7. Offer gainful employment to the youths of the Host Community, where possible and feasible.

DENNISON SYSTEMS SOLUTION LIMITED recognizes paramount importance of the safety of her employees, clients and the general public. The company is committed to conducting all her business and operations in health and safe manner by consistently applying safety practices, rules and guidelines covering all aspect of our operations comply with our client's standard and obey all Government rules and regulation affecting our business and operations

As a body of professionals, it is the policy of the company that all service, no matter how small, must be carried out in such a way that:

1. We avoid any injury to preserve the health and safety of our staff, clients and members of the public who may be exposed to our operations.

2. Incidents or accidents that can result in loss of time to our clients are prevented through near miss and unsafely act\condition reporting tool box meeting in all jobs, regular safety meeting and training

3. Damage/loss of equipment and injury to or loss of any personnel is avoided by training all employees to perform their jobs properly and safely

The company insists on the use of personal protective Equipment (PPE) by all employees to avert health hazards associated with chemicals and equipment. Safety means professionalism. No job is so urgent that we cannot take time to do it right, first time, all the time and safely.

DENNISON SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS LIMITED places high premium on the health and well-being of its staff and will do all that is reasonable:

1. To protect employees from hazard and occupational diseases so far as they are involved with the company activities

2. In identifying health hazards inherent in the operations of the company

3. To provide medical attention through referral clinics (Under our medical retainership scheme) first aid box at designated places, medical examinations and evolve health education programs for the enhancement of staff health awareness

4. To provide industrial welfare facilities

We at DENNISON SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS LIMITED are mindful of the importance of the protection of the environment, and it is our policy that during the course of carrying out our business or operation:

1. The company will strive at all times to ensure that impact on the environment is minimized by maintaining the minimum or no trace of water in all our areas of operation

2. Comply with all Government regulations on the protection of the environment

3. Alert our clients and the general public of any hazard posed by our product and\or services on the environment

4. Maintain at all times a contingency plan to minimize impact on the environment in the event of any accident or incident

DENNISON SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS LIMITED as corporate entity will at all times ensure adequate security of its equipment, personnel and structures using as much as possible, security outfits of proven ability and by inculcating